Thursday, August 18, 2011

Magic Solution

On a political note, i would like to pose a question.

Let's say we could magically eliminate the federal deficit without raising taxes or cutting a single government program.  Of the 435 members of congress and 100 Senators, how many of them would be willing to make the following choice.

Balancing the federal budget but being banned from serving in future congresses.


Being allowed to stay in office but have the country maintain the status qua of continuing to pile up debt.

My guess is that the lips of nearly all of them would say something to the effect of "yes if we could solve this crisis I would be willing to move on and let others serve" but in truth in their hearts they would be unwilling to move on because it is power they seek rather then solutions.

Maybe I have too little faith in our elected officials.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, they would want to do the right thing (balance and leave) but in the end they would be incapable of doing so.
