Thursday, September 22, 2011

Right to Work

The attached is a very interesting article about what it means to our economy to have the "Right to Work."  Forced unionization is very costly for everybody involved. 

It either kills your ecomony or costs you your job in the long run. 

Keep in mind that the union bosses stand to gain a great deal if we don't allow people to choose for themselves.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Leftist Explained

Maybe you listened to our President last night and are riding high.  If you are don't read on.

I my opinion the attached article does a wonderful job of explaining the left wing.  Which in my opinion is where our President comes ideology comes from.

Credit goes to 1500 ESPN's Joe Soucheray for drawing the article to my attention.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ronald Reagan

Last week Justin and I took our Dad to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA.  It was awesome.  It was fun to spend the time with two of my best friends. 

It was also fun to walk through the museum and reflect on the great career of the Great Communicator. 

Ronald Reagan is clearly one of the greatest Americans.  If it were up to me it would say it is time to raise the money to put a 5th profile on Mount Rushmore.  (In honor of Reagan the funds would need to be private!)

We were inspired as we walked through the exhibits.  I don't recall him blaming his predecessor for the problems of his Presidency.  I remember him getting down to work and moving the country forward.