Friday, August 19, 2011

Cost Savings

Yesterday I met with Misty Lauer, Regional Administrative Manager, and she shared with me several cost saving ideas.  All of the idea were very minor.  The ideas were things like changing how we clean the office, type of paper we pay, and licenses for seldom used software products.  The sum total of her ideas totaled about $5,000 or more per year!!!

The best thing about these savings is that nobody will notice a difference.  Certainly our customers won't.

I wonder how many millions of tax dollars could be saved by the government if we told them they needed to save some money. ( I realize we need to save Trillions but every nickle counts.)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Misty! You seem to be on a little government kick right now Dave. We need to get some people in office to follow your blog!!
