Friday, August 31, 2012

Sweet Job, Bad Economics

Earlier this week Emmanuel Akowauh arrived from Ghana to stay with my family for the school year.  

When talking to him we found out that he likes to eat Corn Flakes for breakfast.  We didn't have any Corn Flakes so that meant a trip to Wal*Mart to buy some. 

Guess what?

When I was at Wal*Mart I found a couple of interesting stories.  (Have you ever gone to Wal*Mart and not come across something interesting?)

The first story that I am going to tell is about a mother and her teen age son.  The exchange was simple, two simple lines.

"Mom, do we need milk?"

"No we have two gallons in the garage fridge."

Like I said pretty simple but it really hit me.  He I was in Wal*Mart and shelves where full of things. and the aisles were full of pallets of even more food ready to be stocked onto the shelves.  What a country.  We have so much.

This family has so much they can't store everything inside and yet they are at the store looking for more! 

The same is true of my family.  Although we don't have a fridge or milk in the garage we do have a freezer that is packed with beef, pizza and much more.  What a country.

Praise the Lord we have so much.

The second story is a little less up lifting.

When it was time to check out I got in line and waited my turn to check out.  While I waited  I noticed a lot of celebrity gossip and that there must be about 4 dozen different types and flavors of gum.  But all of that was interrupted by the following conversation between the clerk and the guy checking out in front of me, who happened to be wearing a shirt that said "Game Stop" on the front of it.

Wal*Mart clerk -"do you work at Games Stop?"

Game Stop-"Yes."

Wal*Mart - "Is it great?"

Game Stop- "It's pretty sweet.  I love it."

Wal*Mart - "Not only do you come in here with a cool game stop shirt but now you are telling me that it is a great place to work and I am working at Wal*Mart!"

Game Stop- "Yea and it is better now that school started."

Wal*Mart - "Why's that?"

Game Stop-" Because now the kids aren't coming in all day."

Wal*Mart - "Oh"

Game Stop- "It will be slow until Christmas. Then it gets busier."

Wal*Mart - "We will all be busy at Christmas."

Game Stop- ""I will have to enjoy the time in between the start of school and Christmas."

I could believe it.  This guy with the "sweet" job was happiest when he didn't have customers! 

Do I need to say it?  Isn't it economics 101 to see the need for customers in providing jobs.  Then it hit me  the same country that has all this wealth that our stores and houses overflow with food and supplies also produces a guy that enjoys not having customers at his place of work.

We live in a great county, lets not take it for granted. God bless America.  Enjoy Labor Day.  

1 comment:

  1. God bless America indeed!

    I'm definitely grateful for my employer's good head for business and the opportunity to earn a living though at times I've definitely taken it for granted.

    Thank you for the story and the reminder to be grateful for our abundances.

