An open letter to all the National and Chapter staff of the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC).
As our country and industry go through these troubling times, I couldn’t be more thankful for my membership in ABC. Our dues investment has paid off several times over.
Today would have been the day all the national committees would have gotten together in advance of our annual convention. Thinking about not being in Nashville made me think about how thankful I am about being a member of this great association. I think a thank you is in order.
As a small business owner, the only thing I have done during the last two weeks is work on COVID-19 related items. Trying to maintain the ability to provide my coworkers here at Willmar Electric a chance to earn a paycheck, so they can feed their families and pay the mortgage.
I don’t have time to lobby the federal government about the need to make sure the relief bills help the people who need help without putting crippling burdens on my small business. So ABC is helping me out.
I don’t have time to research and back down the impact of every new piece of guideline the various department and agencies are sending out. It is hard for me to know where to go for answers. Thankfully at both the national and chapter levels, ABC is leading the way in giving me advice and links to the place I need to go to get help.
The webinars ABC has almost daily at both the National and State levels are critical. They help me sort out the facts from the fiction I am being bombarded with from moment to moment as I try to move forward.
I belong to several organizations, and they are all trying to stay on top of things, but none are staying as current or getting me new information as well as ABC.
Thank you. I couldn’t do my job without you. You’re helping me continue to provide jobs.
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