A while ago Sue and I had some friend over to our house. Together the four of us enjoyed a great night of conversation and board games. Eventually the time came for our friends to leave. Even the dog, Tessie, was sorry to see them leave. The dog of course expressed her emotions more openly by jumping on them as they walked out the door.
After our friends left Sue and I noted how spending time with this couple makes us better. They are more than good friends who we enjoy spending time with but we find they make us better people.
They make us better Christians, better parents, and smarter human beings. They energize us. The evening reminded me of a quote I heard a few year ago. It is attributed to businessman Jim Rohn who once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”
It is a very challenging statement really. It challenges us to make sure we are spending our time not only with the right crowd but with people who lift us up.
Randy Travis put it to song in “Better Class of Losers.” It’s not about social status. “High society” can bring out the worst in you. (Check out Keeping up with the Kardashians for a deeper dive on this concept!)
It’s about bringing out the best you.
In some cases improving your top 5 can mean complete changing your lifestyle. It doesn’t necessarily mean completely leave your current group of friends (or extend family) but it might mean lowering the time you spend with some.
It could mean getting a new job.
I know at times in my life I have had to completely sever some of my acquaintance behind because were bad for me.
To some this might seem like an unchristian way at looking at life. You might wonder about how you can a reach out to people or mentor others if you only spend your time with people who lift you up?
The answer is to make sure you’re maintaining your average with 5 people who bring you up while at the same time mentor and reach out to others.
If you focus on raising everybody including yourself up you will do just fine.
All I ask is you analyze your current situation and make sure everybody is moving in the right direction. Let’s try to make each better.
Hopefully this doesn’t cause me to lose any friends but if it does I will understand why.
(To those of you leaving me behind, I’m sorry I brought you down.)